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an oil lamp modeled in Strata 3d. obj object file.No textures included.
oillamp1.zip 1865kb
Philips head screwdriver.Screws not included.
driver.zip 164kb
A light bulb in obj format.
bulb.zip 873kb
sled map
A Texture map for the Daz sled.
sledmap.zip 598kb
Floating swimming dock.
I made this dock in Bryce.The deck is a 2d plane with a tiff image applied.
dock.zip 673kb
This lamp was made with Bryce and Strata3d.It is for use only in Bryce.
It even has a light in the bulb.Change the transparency of the light shade
for different effects.
lamp.zip 1.05mb
A Bryce clock made from booleans and a photo of a clock face.It is
modeled after a clock in my living room.
clock.zip 391kb.
A butterfly made from a photo and Bryce lattice.It is flat but works well
in backgrounds.
butterfly.zip 69kb
green hat
A hat used in The Town CryerIt is in Bryce format.
hat.zip 625kb
A bell used in The Town CryerIt is in Bryce format.
bell.zip 0.99mb
This is a crayon I made in Bryce.It can be seen in Cornered.
crayon.zip 68k
This is a very simple toyboat created for an animation that is still in progress.It was created using Bryce and Strata 3d.It is Bryce obp format.
toyboat.zip 38kb
This a shipping skid created in Bryce.This object was used in A Cold Night.
skid.zip 31kb
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